North Canton Elementary
4th grade
Student Supply List
- 4 plastic folders with brads
- 4 spiral notebook
- pencil pouch
- 1 pack of loose leaf wide ruled notebook paper
- 1 pack of loose grid notebook paper
- 12 count skinny markers, Crayola twistable colored pencils, or 12 count colored pencils
- 3 boxes of #2 all wooden pencils (Ticonderoga sharpen the best)
- 2 packs of red pens
- 2 or more thin expo markers
- Pack of 4 glue sticks
- Pack of pencil cap erasers
- Scissors (Fiskars work best)
- Earphones (please no earbuds)
Please send all items to school on the first day of school and we will help the children label their items.
Optional (but much appreciated) Items for the classroom:
- Boxes of tissue
- Clorox wipes
- Zip-lock baggies (Quart and Gallon)
- Band-Aids
Homework supplies to keep at home – optional:
- Loose leaf notebook paper
- Pencils
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