Thank You West Canton Baptist
We would like to say a big Thank You to West Canton Baptist Church for helping out today at our school for ” Day of...
/ NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
We would like to say a big Thank You to West Canton Baptist Church for helping out today at our school for ” Day of...
/ NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
Tomorrow August 12 will be the annual “Day of Caring” . If you would like to come and help out with some projects around the...
/ Kindergarten Registration, NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
Call the office if you have not already done so and get signed up for a Kindergarten screening! Kindergarten students will find out their teacher...
/ NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
The first day of school is August 22 it will be a 12:30 dismissal August 23 will be a 12:30 dismissal also
/ NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
Thursday August 17 will be meet the teacher. Come by 4-6 find out your child’s teacher for the 2017-18 school year. Also at this time...
/ NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
fifthgrade fourthgrade thirdgrade secondgrade firstgrade kindergarten
/ NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
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