60 Thompson St. Canton, NC 28716
Phone: (828)646-3444 Fax: (828)648-6668 Principal: Belinda Trantham
September 3, 2016 / NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
Thursday September 8 is Zaxby’s night. Go by and get dinner and a percentage of the money made will go to our school.
Coupon books will be on sale starting September 7-23. The price of the book is $25. The money we raise will help buy supplies for...
September 2, 2016 / NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
Open House is Tuesday September 6 from 6-7 We will start off in the Gym and then proceed to the children’s classrooms. Please come out...
September 1, 2016 / NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
We need your junk! We are having makers stations in the Library this year! If you have any old craft supplies that you are not...
Monday September 5th is a Holiday. We will not have school on this day! See you on Tuesday
May 27, 2016 / NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
This year we will have a summer Reading program with a basis of Science We will meet on Wednesdays mornings from 10-12 At this time...
JUNE 1 and 2 Reading and Math Testing Be sure you are Ready! Get lots of sleep. Eat a good Breakfast Try your Best
No School Monday May 30th in Celebration of Memorial Day!
May 9, 2016 / NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
If you are interested in buying a yearbook see Mrs. Guyer This is the last chance to get them for $20
April 20, 2016 / NCE Slideshow, North Canton Elementary School, School News
North Canton Elementary will have a Science night on April 28th at 5:00 Come out and see some great Science experiments!
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